geography & climate
Clearly a reflection of how favored the elves are by their gods, the kingdom of Milvethas is a beautfutil, bountiful, and temperate. Three large river systems branch through the gorgeously varied terrain.

The first river, Erahi flows from the northern mountains and curves eastward to the Redlyn Sea. It is a deceptively wild area where valleys full of small woods and little, deep lakes are nestled within the region's peaks and valleys. At the most northern point the land turns craggy and snowy. The northern shore is littered with blocks of broken ice washed up on its black sands. Temperatures oscillate between spring and mild winter-like weather, never going too far in either extreme, while year-round snows that wax and wane in the North.
notable towns & places TBA

The second river, Idril, branches from Earhi north of the capital city. It is a lush, domesticated region where the largest of Milvethas's cities and capitol are located. Greenery and nature are incorporated into every aspect of the architecture, with the native flora growing (fastidiously manicured) across and throughout the buildings. Greenhouses are abundant. There is only one mountain in this region, known as The Candle, which curves around a massive lake. The elven capitol rests at The Candle's base with parts of the city and the royal seat built into the mountainside. The region experiences rainy springs, and mild summers and winters.
notable towns & places TBA

The third river, Lyne, creates a natural border between the royal lands and [HOUSE 2] and empties into the Bay of Stathis. These fertile, hilly lands were ravaged by the worst of the warring between kingdoms, but lately stone battlements and razed, trampled marshes have begun to revert to their natural, plentiful state. Many of the area's plateaus are home to small fortresses and revived villages. The weather is less predictable here than other regions of Milvethas, which the elves are happy to blame on the presence of humans in the region. Summer and winter storms blow in seasonally from the Bay of Stathis.
notable towns & places TBA

culture & economy
Elves value beauty, education, magic, and hospitality. Art, literature, and music are produced widely even in times of open war. An elf is never without a home as those who lose their property and livelihoods to disaster, natural or otherwise, are promptly taken in by their friends and neighbors. There are two universities and numerous specialized schools and artisans' guilds throughout Milvethas. Magic is ingrained in almost every aspect of elven life and culture, from lighting their cities at night to reaping their fields. Magical theory and experimentation are encouraged.

The elven economy is largely self-sustaining in terms of agriculture, but in times of peace relies heavily on exports to replenish those funds drained by the military. Textiles, artwork, books and tutors, marble, and luxury items are their most popular and profitable exports.

political & social structure
Milvethas operates similarly to a Republic. The royal family's power is not absolute, instead a member from within the bloodline is chosen to head The Senate. While the senate leader weilds final approval or veto over policy, they are duty bound to serve the best interest of the kingdom over their personal agendas.

royal family
The royal family of Syl'ndrile can trace their linage to the arrival of the elves, but they haven't let their bloodline remain stagnant. Royal family members are welcome to marry as they please regardless of their intended's rank. This has made for some interesting additions to the Syl'ndriles over time, but considering the length of time they've remained in power and their success as leaders there's obviously something to it.

great houses
The Great Houses of Milvethas are the first sworn swords of the royal family. Like the Syl'ndrile, they can trace their lineage back to the arrival of the elves. They each occupy one of the regions split by the great rivers, and help maintain the local peace. In the case of HOUSE 2, they are the first line of defense on the shared border with Ostwill.

[HOUSE 1 : 0/3 playable characters]
[HOUSE 2 : 0/3 playable characters]

the senate
The Senate is composed of elves selected for their wisdom, ability, and knowledge to form laws and govern the realm. Naturally old, powerful families have wiggled into a position or two, but those there by merit still outnumber those appointed by mere titles.

religion See here.
language Elvish and High Elvish are the official languages of Milvethas. Learning Common as a second language has become more prevelant in the last 300 years.

geography & climate
Occupying the middle and South-Eastern stretch of Caelora's curved continent, Ostwill is sandwiched between Milvethas to the West and the Esterwildes to the North.

The western region of Ostwill borders Milvethas. Much of these lands had been transformed by battlefields and barriers, and not for the better. Many of the villages that have begun to reemerge and prosper are based around abandoned or still-active military outposts. There are many estuaries and streams that branch down from the Lyne river, where small-scale fishing and farming makes up the economy. Established during the war, many forges and weaponsmiths make their homes here. Summer and winter storms blow in seasonally from the Bay of Stathis. notable towns & places TBA.

The middle lands of Ostwill, where the capitol resides, is hilly and feritle land, with the great curve of the continent making up the Northern coastline. Small glends and forests, planted and preserved for future shipbuilding in the reignition of war, dot the countryside. There is a great lake a few miles from to the Southern coast, at the center of which the capitol city sits. The lake is saltwater at the edges for two miles and fresh water at the center. The land bridge that connects the capitol to the shore has been enchanted to sink in order to cut off invading forces.
notable towns & places TBA.

The Northlands abut the Esterwildes. These lands are the least touched by war, with only those nearests the seas having experienced invasion and battle. Pieces of shipwrecks, new and old, frequently wash up in these areas. The center regions are mostly farmland all the way up to the Southern Forests, with mountain ranges extending down from the Esterwildes creating a natural windblock to the East. Springs are damp, summers are hot, and winters are mild, but can experience deep snows that come in from the mountains that rapidly melt again to cause temporary flooding. Vulnerable crops and towns are protected by a series of flood gates and irrigation that helps to redirect rising waters during these times.
notable towns & places TBA.

There are four large islands conquered by Oswtill: One the Bay of Stathis, one off the eastern coast of Oswtill, one in a small grouping near the Northern border of the Esterwildes (The others belong to the Goliaths), and one at the northernmost tip of Caelora. The final island is almost uninhabitable, but kept in readiness for war and to act as a naval base to protect trade. notable towns & places TBA.

culture & economy
What humans view as inginuity and perseverence, other races would describe as insanity. There is no explanation for how humans advanced as quickly as they did upon arrival in Caelora, but they took the knoweldge shared with them by the others and ran with it. They ran hard, they ran fast, they ran a good number of things over or into the ground, but they emerged strong and industrious to a degree never before seen. They built prosperous villages and large cities, constructed fast ships and strong, high towers. They tamed the wild horses of Caelora and used magic and muscle in equal measure to achieve prosperity. As their numbers grew, they entreated the elves and Goliaths to grant them the lands they had developed. The Goliaths happily gifted them those lands. The elves, enraged by the human's arrogant demands and what they saw as the theft and corruption of magic, did not.

Ostwill's strong economy is owed to inguinity and industry. The foundation of Oswtill is build on the shipwrights, and maritime supplies. No matter what you are going out to sea, human, elf, or goliath, it's a human-built ship you want to be on when the storms come and the waves rise. Their cartography and navigational tools are likewise highly prized. Their maritime dominance gives them an edge in trade. They are a country of innovators, forever improving the design of farming equipment, architectural supplies and tools, as well as both seige and traditional weaonry (Though they could never quite touch the craftsmanship of the dwarves, produce impressive quality weapons). Horses are also bred and traded widely in Ostwill.

political & social structure
Ostwill is ruled by a hereditary monarchy. The crown passes to the eldest child regardless of gender, unless the heir is deemed unfit. Ostwill has learned from experience to produce and name heirs sooner rather than later due to the number of Kings and Queens who have met their end in combat or by assassination. The monarchy's reign is absolute, but a good ruler will find themselves open to and tempered by the wisdom of their Council. Tasked with enforcing the law of the crown across the kingdom are the Banner Houses; the highest-ranking nobility in Ostwill after the royal family.

royal family
The current ruling family, the Mireholsts, have only been in power for a few generations. Initially the Mireholst's ascension was considered suspect, but their brokering of peace with the elves and the stability they brought to Ostwill has eclipsed their rumored sins. The Mireholsts are an old family that began as shipwrights and soldiers and over time distinguished themselves as accomplished knights and tacticians. They were elevated to nobility in the 4th age.

banner houses
[BANNER 1 : 0/2 playable characters]

[BANNER 2 : 0/2 playable characters] Recently elevated to the title, [BANNER 2] was promoted by the Mireholst's upon their ascension.

[BANNER 3 : 0/3 playable characters]

the council
The members of the council is comprised of the monarch's most trusted advisors and heads of vital institutions. Those seated varies from ruler to ruler, but there are always at minimum five members. Common appointees of the past have included Commanders of the the Navy, Army, and King's Guard, Masters of the Law, Treasury, and Faith; and prominent or favored political or military stategists and historians.

[Playable Council Members: 0/5]

religion See here.
language Common is the official language of Ostwill. Bi- and tri-linguiliasm is commonplace near the borders and within affluent families.

geography & climate
The Esterwildes are a series of connecting forests that abutt and extend into two large mountain ranges in the North East, with coastline composing their western boarders. They share a southern border with the kingdom of Ostwill. The Esterwildes are home to abundant wildlife, ranging from cute, domesticatable, and edible to large, dangerous, and murderously territorial. Tamed beasts include rabbits, ravens, hawks, dogs, forest cats, and the heidgoats; giant rams used as mounts by mountain rangers.

The Southern Forests are the youngest of the Esterwildes. They are cultivated and habitable, and fairly easily navigated. Nut-bearing trees are common and medicinal herbs are cultivated and harvested widely. Springs are damp, and hot summers give way to picturesque fall landscapes. Winters are generally mild, but can produce deep snows in off years that rapidly melt again to cause temporary flooding.
notable towns & places TBA

The Western Woods near the shores of the BLAH BLAH SEA are lusher but less tame. Fruit trees (Particularly citruses) and bushes grow in abundance here, and are the source of several fruit crops that were transplanted to be grown in Ostwill. The coastline experiences virtually no snow, but suffers humid summers.
notable towns & places TBA

The Northern Woods and Eastern Forests are older, more dense, and prone to trapping the mountain mists amongst their trunks; and unprepared travelers with it. Those living nearest the mountains experience the harshest winters. Avalanches can affect those villages seated at a mountain's base.
notable towns & places TBA

culture & economy
Goliaths are wary, but ultimately inclusive people. Those foolish enough to mistake the high value they place on peace for weakness find themselves quickly corrected. When threatened the Goliaths are quick and brutal in their dispense of enemies and invaders, leaving no trace of conflict but the more robuts trees surrounding where it took place. Family and contribution to the tribe are important to Goliaths, which can be discouraging for those of a more adventurous bent. Following a deep call of duty or spirit is considered noble and acceptable, but those who would adventure unreasonably far from the Esterwildes or for entirely selfish reasons are subject to what can only be described as a case of culture-wide passive-aggression.

Situated as they are, they conduct the most diplomacy and trade with the dwarves. This makes them the gatekeepers to the highest quality metals and craftsmanship in Cealora, as the majority of dwarven societies still refuse to do business with humans or elves directly. Timber, pelts, raw materials, and apothecary supplies and medical services make up the rest of their small but strong economy. Mountain Rangers and Primal Adepts are two classes that thrive in the Esterwildes.

political & social structure
They consider themselves more of a nation than a kingdom, but accept the moniker all the same for politics' sake. The Goliaths follow the rule of a Council, on which an elected representive from each tribe of the Esterwildes sits.

the tribal council
The Tribal Council convenes yearly with any additional meetings called on an as-needed basis. Each tribe shares equal representation and clout. Decisions are made by majority vote. In times where an even number of tribes exist and the council comes to a tie, the Teru are called upon to intervene and make their opinion known. Usually this takes place via the casting of runes or waiting for the appearance of a relevant sign. The five tribes are the Dolehim, Vrahim, Rorhim, Norhim, and Sothim.

[Playable Council Members: 0/5]

religion See here.
language Goliahim is the official language of the Esterwildes. Dialects can vary wildly from region to region. Elvish as a second language is practiced in the coastal regions of the west, and Common is widely understood and used in trading with the South.