Adepts are the magic users and spellcasters. While it is often a heriditary trait, adepts spring up spontaneously in families without history of magical talent. Adepts can occur in every race and a magical aptitude can manifest at any age. Magic comes in several forms each with their own theory, and it isn't uncommon for an Adept to find that their talents can extend to two schools with sufficient training.
arcane Arcane adepts manipulate energy, bullying the world around them to their whims. Transfiguration, illusions, summoning, scrying, and offensive and defensive spellwork fall within the broad strokes of arcane spellwork. While a few minor arcane magics can be performed instinctively the more complicated the spell the more likely the caster is to be reliant on a recited or written incantation. As one of the more complicated forms of magic, formal training is almost always required for an arcane adept to reach their full potential. Established adepts who teach in the field will often seek out talented students which has lead to a high level of competition between institutions and individual tutors over the centuries.

elemental Elemental adepts command and manipulate manipulate the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth; and all those combinations and forms that they come in. It's a versatile magic that is often in high demand in a number of professions. Elemental adepts are particularly respected amongst the smallfolk. A well-trained elemental adept can be the difference between feast and famine in a village, particularly in times of drought or conflict when water is sparse or roads and homes are threatened/demolished by troops. Being the most common form of magic, elemental adepts typically have a bevy of options for education, spanning from small, local apprenticeships to more formal institutional training.

spellcraft Spellcraft is an odd branch of magic. Technically composed of adepts from the other schools, their mission is to study and document the mechanics, origins, practice, and application of magic. They work to expand the limits and understanding of magic, with the ultimate goal of creating spells that can be executed by those without magical aptitude or the need for an adept's direct presence. Spellcraft is practiced almost exclusively by religious orders and academics.

primal Primal practitioners are the most connected with nature. Their power stems directly from the earth and the wilds, and their bond and control of flora and fauna goes far beyond what could be accomplished by an adept of another school. Primal adepts are also unparalleled healers. Some claim that with time, practice, and an ambiguous enough moral compass, a truly powerful primal adept could raise the dead. This is generally not considered to be in good taste, but some people give it a go anyway. These efforts have yet to end well. Primal adepts are most common in the Erstwildes and amongst Goliaths. Many burgeoning primal adepts will travel there to find apprenticeship.


It may be peacetime in Caelora but demand for fighters and talented blades will never run out. From keeping the peace to stirring up trouble for those who would end it, a warrior will never find themselves idle.
knights Knight is a coveted title held by warriors elevated by the monarchy. Knighthoods are not handed out lightly in Caelora, although it is undeniable that the rank is more easily achieved by members of the nobility and those nobility-adjacent. This is considered a natural consequence of the ease of access to exceptional training and more opportunity to be of visible service to the realm. Due to the wide range of backgrounds a Knight can come from, brotherhood and respect between Knights is heavily stressed to avoid resentment and snobbishness. For Knights the safety of their realm and service to the crown should always come first. Settling disputes and airing greivances can wait for the tournaments.

soldiers Standing members of the kingdoms' armies. Soldiers defend their kingdoms at all costs, help maintain the realm's peace, and often serve as provincial and city guards when not actively in the field. Soldiering is a profitable occupation and, depending on the loyalties of who you're dealing with, a well-respected career. Knights who earn their spurs rather than being born into them usually start out as soldiers.

sellswords Seperate from assassins, who operate in secrecy and adhere to stringent standards, Sellswords make their bread and butter putting their weapons to use, both good and bad. Sellswords can be lone blades or formed companies, though the latter had fallen out of style in the last hundred years thanks to peace between the kingdoms.


Unlike other classes, Rangers have no official distinction in titles. Instead each group sorts themselves by the terrains they patrol. Rangers are trained to function both autonomously and within groups across wide areas as needed. Head Rangers, who maintain all records and reports for an area, are accomplished rangers elected by and from within.

Forest Rangers Wolves, direwolves, bears, bunnies, testy hermits-- all need protecting from those who would unwisely venture off the beaten path and pat them on the head. Forest Rangers make this their lives' work. They map the wilds, maintain travel routes, both protect and help control wildlife populations, and keep their ears open for the panicked cries of lost travellers amongst the trees.

Lake and River Rangers It would seem a placid convocation, but the life of an aquatic ranger is anything but. There are dangers that lurk beneath the glassy surfaces of Caelora's lakes, and any harm from the shores that might damage their ecosystems can mean starvation for the settlements that depend on them. Rivers are no less relaxing to patrol with pirates who would use Caelora's waterways for raids, dangerous rapids and floods that can end and devastate lives in an instant. These Rangers are expected to be the strongest swimmers and most capable boatsmen outside of the royal Navies, who they work closely and maintain friendly rivalries with.

Mountain Rangers Due to the dwarves' disinclination to suffer the presence of elves or humans, Mountain Rangers are almost exclusively Goliaths. Their responsibilities in attending to the mountains include patrolling, mapping, preventing rock and mud slides in the spring and avalanches in the winter; and shooing travellers, merchants, and other unwelcome citizenry off the peaks. The last task is particularly paramount as Mountain Rangers are counted upon to maintain the day-to-day diplomacy with the dwarves.


The gods may be all-powerful and all-knowing, but left to them their good words would never get spread. This leaves The Devoted to take up the mantle of holy PR, preaching the will and mercy of their gods across Caelora.

priests/priestesses The devoted who practice their faith within the structure of religious orders. Priests and Priestesses can be called to serve at any age. By mandate no sect can reject an acolyte based on age, but a healthy suspicion of parents attempting to dump unwanted children or elderly relatives who would find themselves unhappy in service to or underwhelmed by the glory of the gods is maintained. Read more about the different religions and sects in Caelora here.

hermits Eschewing society (and often sociatal norms), hermits are the reclusive, meditative, and frequently opinionated answer to the religious rigidities and ceremony displayed by priests and priestesses. They settle in the secluded and wild places of Caelora to serve and study their gods unhindered by temple heirarchies and over-debated scripture. Tensions between hermits and organized sects varies, but no sane person would purposefully put themselves between any hermit and priest(ess) when philosophy discussions are on the horizon.


The kingdoms have no shortage of talented people. Painters, architects, stonemasons, woodworkers all have their value and place in society. The Bards are those who choose to walk to the beat of a different, sometimes literal, drum.

bards Bards aren't always treated with great respect, but it would be unwise to dismiss their importance. A talented bard can weave tales and songs that shape opinions and inspire loyalties. Courts maintain a bard with several more on retainer to spread propoganda. Bards can be fiercely competitive and prone to bouts of dramatic one-upmanship when trying to out-perform one another. Petty turf wars are not unheard of.

courtesans Ambitious laides and gentlemen of in posession of high quantities of charm, conversation, and education but lacking in titles can find their way to court as courtesans. They provide company and compainionship to nobility and royalty alike in exchange for social or financial (or both) advancement. Courtesans are either formally trained or members of less landed gentry looking for a leg up in society. Courtesans are expected to be skilled dancers, singers, and conversationalists.


Pirates and assassins and rouges, oh my! Untroubled and uncontrolled by the crowns, the Freeguilds have carved themselves a niche on the fringes of Caelora's societies. No ruler officially endorses or recognizes the Freeguilds, but every one of them turns a blind eye towards them to a certain extent, knowing that the benefits of their presence outweigh the costs.

They're a curious, fractured brotherhood with seemingly no overarching leadership, but rather a cordial understanding and set of codes whose interpretation appear to shift depending on the situation. In times of large interparty unrest either a council forms to settle the conflicts or it doesn't, leaving everyone to punch, stab, and poison it out for themselves.

pirates By far the boldest and best known of the Freeguilds. Piracy is a cutthroat business, literally and figuratively, with every crew out for themselves on the seas. Even two ships on good terms with each other would happily put a knife in each other's backs if the price or prize was right. However, don't let that fool you into thinking they can be divided and conquered as a whole. Pirates, when united against a common threat, have made significant accomplishments: from resisting the naval forces of both Milvethas and Ostwill to creating long-standing pacts of safe passage with the merfolk.

assassins The assassins absolutely don't exist. Ask anyone. Assassins? Never heard of them. No such thing. They don't even know what that word means, you're just making random noises with your mouth. At least that's what everyone will tell you if you go looking for one. Assassins operate alone or in small groups, taking only the clientele and novices they deem worthy. Not to be confused with Sellswords, whom assassins look down their noses at. Or they would, if they existed. But they don't.

theives The most organized of the Freeguilds. For a theif to be recruited into a theives' guild in a large city is, while dishonorable, a promise of steady work and pay until old age or a run-in with a city guard takes the dexterity from your hands (or a whole one off, depending on what you're caught stealing). Petty thieves are expected to pay dues to the guilds and a high enough monthly contribution can afford a theif a certain amount of protection and assistance on the streets, and even a degree of legal defense.