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1 fineshrine 3:30
purity ring
2 ship to wreck (cover) 4:24
3 like real people do 3:18
4 you are my sunshine 5:10
the leftover cuties
5 it's called: freefall 2:33
rainbow kitten surprise
6 chapel song 3:24
we are augustines
7 running up that hill 4:23
meg myers
X experience 5:18
ludovico einaudi
8 i'm not crying 2:36
flight of the conchords
9 tous le mêmes 2:53
10 every time i'm ready to hug 2:53
ra ra riot
11fred astaire 3:39
jukebox the ghost
12old soul 3:29
saint motel
13 stand by me 3:24
florence + the machine